A r t

​ Y U N I   K O

Fiera del Mediterrano  VIP Art Shopping Zone  ITALY

'Lorrenzo de MEDICI' Exhibition  @ Padova Centro Espositivo  Padova   ITALY


Salon Art Shopping  @ "Carrousel du Louvre Museum"  Paris FRANCE

"Roma Art Contest" Exhibition  @ Arte BORGO Gallery  Rome ITALY

We are in Art Exposition @ Crypt Gallery  London  ENGLAND

PAFI  PARKHAUS  Exhibition  Triberg  GERMANY

NoBarking Art Biennale  @ Espacio Gallery  London  ENGLAND

Click  to  Enlarge  Photos

New York  Art Expo  @ Pier 94  NYC  USA

 "Barcelona Art Contest" Exhibition @AAC Palace since 1865  Barcelona  SPAIN

 The NIGENK KAI Exhibition @ OSAKA Museum, OSAKA + Gyarari west in Gion KYOTO  JAPAN

 Int'l  "Human Rights? The Future's Shape! Women Rights Exhibition, AIAPI UNESCO Campana dei Caduti  Rovereto  ITALY

"Artist for UNICEF"   @ Politeama Theatre  Palermo  ITALY

Murano Art Expo 58' VENICE  Biennal  @ Ex-Chiesa di Santa Chiara GLASS  Cathedral  ITALY

Southern Nevada Museum Fine Art  USA

Miami Art Week Art Basel  Florida USA

"Pablo Picasso ART and HUMAN RIGHTS Award @ Ancient and Monumental Theater "APOLLO"  ITALY

A/C Seoul Art  Fair @ SETEC Trade Exhibition & Convention Centre  Seoul KOREA

Salon Art Shopping  @ "Carrousel du Louvre Museum"  Paris FRANCE

 "Mini Sketchbook Project"  Show Gallery Paris + The Other Art Fair London UK + Brooklyn Art Library NYC

' Int'l Island Country Artists' 4th World Postal Art Exhibition @ Göksöğüt (Nudura) Village / Şarkikaagaç / Isparta  TURKEY

NOTO Award UNESCO  heritage Exhibition  ITALY

 "HOPE" paper art project w/ Yuni Ko students and Tanzania 32 orphans ( Baraka Ngobei)  @Kimana Primary School TANZANIA

Arte Padova Fiere  ITALY

Prima Esclusiva Expo Int'l Interattiva Pro-Emergenza COVID-19 virtual 3D Gallery Queenartstudio  ITALY

The ROSE Project ' celebrating 40th Years RHGA @ Mill Pond Gallery CANADA

"Zoom Out" 150 years RH Group Project + Exhibition @MIll Pond Gallery

Premio "It is Humanity" event @BCAA  Museum Art Expo-Bangkok Art and Culture Center THAILAND  

​​" Wohnen & Interier " Exhibition @ Messe  Wien  Vienna  AUSTRIA

The 32nd  IFAEA Exhibition @ INSA Art Plaza Gallery  5F  Seoul  KOREA

Scottish musician, Abi Rooley-Towle's debut EP cover art "Karuṇā" by Yuni Ko   UK

" I Guerrieri di Riace"  Human Rights  Art Award  ceremony @The Ancient Theatre G. Paisiello   Lecce  ITALY



Yuni Ko- solo show - The world smallest  gallery exhibition  w/ club BLUOLTREMARE + Centro Arte Rome, ITALY

The 30th IFAEA Exhibition @ Gallery of Quincy + Naru display Gallery  Seoul KOREA

IFAEA Exhibition  Seoul  KOREA

Int'l success of PyeongChang WINTER  OLYMPICS 2018  event   KOREA

IAOCA  KOKUSAI-BIJUTSU-SOZO-KAI  @Annex Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art  Kyoto  JAPAN

"When you reflect on my art, I encourage you to discover your own circle of life, wheel of fortune, leap of faith, band of hope, and artistic energy in the endless round. May your happy memories keep you grateful and strong as mine have and lead you into happy and healthy future!"
